Getting My Shit Together. . . . more or less. . . .

Not entirely sure what to name this post. Or honestly what it is about. I have gone on quite the business break here…… I have hit a pothole and gotten a flat tire. Proverbially.

We’ve had a lot happen lately. I got rear-ended. My car got totalled. And I have had to focus my entire life on being able to find a new car and work to make up the difference in payments. Keep the other car from getting repossessed and work my butt off to make that monetary difference……  Gotta focus life on making sure we hold down the basics for a while, along with another more recent personal project that came up that I had to turn around really quick! (It’s a personal family based thing that I had to get done…)  The entire ESP business and a lot of what we were doing got put on hold. My photography ambitions and pro-active nature got put on hold. It has been quite a huge frustration for me to turn away shoots, struggle to make time to finish editing the shoots that I had going on when all this happened and not have any time to shoot and keep practicing my lighting.

I have been failing hugely; in short.

But, we are slowly getting back on our feet and I am slowly starting to find time to start picking up the pieces, putting them back together, and getting this all back on track.

I have a huge sorry to put towards the customers I had at that time whose photos and projects got kinda put on hold while our lives fell a little bit apart. I can’t begin to express my true aggression and irritation I had with myself in not being able to get this stuff turned around in the time it should have been. I have a wedding album that still needs to be laid out, and it is going to be the center of my complete focus over this weekend. Hopefully I can get it done by the end of this next week.

Now, you may be asking yourself a couple of questions here; depending on who you are. The general variant version is the same one question I think:

WHY would you put this kind of stuff up for CUSTOMERS to read???????? And my answer is simple enough, you may not agree with it, but, hey, it’s my business, so, deal with it 😉 My answer is as follows:

I try as hard as I can be to stay as translucent to my customer as possible. Stuff has come up, I have had to take a hiatus, but, to an extent, I kinda hope that the customer’s  I attract would be the crowd that is slightly understanding of the delays given the situations I have been going through. Also, by explaining my reasons behind the need for and really lack of time available to be able to sit and complete these projects, I am giving everyone “the lowdown” as to “what’s been up” as the cool kids say. And we all know, I love to imitate the cool kids.

Also, I try to make sure that within the blog, I put up as much information as I can so should a fellow starting out photographer find my blog, they will know that life ain’t easy, and it’s not a simple process. Shit comes up and life, as well as your business, can get really complicated to balance.

So, to try to wrap it all up here, I am doing what I can to get back on track, finish the pre-existing work I had to do and start putting myself back out there in hopes that people want me to capture their whatever they want captured. Have the last few months probably had a bit of an impact on my word of mouth, probably, and that makes me truly sad, but, I also understand from the client’s point of view. Best mindset is to put what’s happened behind me and prepare to push forward. Shrug and move on. Focus on making the best and ready myself for what’s next. Whatever it may be….


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